
Spring 2025

Economics of Food and Agriculture (SA)
Subject associations
ECO 355 / ENV 355

This course uses microeconomic analysis (specifically, tools drawn from demand/supply analysis, development, trade, and public economics) to study issues related to agriculture and food. These include the role of agriculture in the global economy and in economic development; biofuels; the Green Revolution and GMOs; agriculture and the environment/climate change; agricultural trade and trade disputes; hunger, famines and food aid; and food insecurity and obesity in the U.S. The course assesses whether farm, food and nutrition policies in poor and rich countries, including the U.S., address current challenges.

Silvia Weyerbrock
Environmental Biotechnology (SEN)
Subject associations
CEE 325 / CBE 325 / ENV 325 / BNG 325

Over the next several decades environmental sustainability will be a major challenge for engineers and society to overcome. This course is an introduction to environmental biotechnology focusing on how the applications of biotechnologies are impacting sustainability efforts in a variety of sectors including water systems, food and chemical production, and infrastructure construction. This course will provide a broad background in biological design concepts across scales from molecules to ecosystems, how bioengineering enables the design of new biotechnologies, and the ethical implications of engineering biology for use in the environment.

Josh Atkinson
Environmental History of Latin America (HA or SA)
Subject associations
HIS 489 / ENV 488 / LAS 489

In Latin America, the extraction of silver, dyes, cash crops (sugar, bananas, wheat), guano, petroleum, and more broadly water, soil, energy, and human labor embedded in goods from the 15th to the 21st centuries fed the rise of capitalism and its imperialist expansion. This impacted environments and human relationships with and within them throughout the continent. The seminar analyzes such impacts through the environmental history of subsistence agriculture, monoculture, deforestation, the control and degradation of water and soil, mining, urban pollution, conservationism, climate change, "sustainable development", and activism.

Vera S. Candiani
Environmental Justice (EM)
Subject associations
SPI 434 / ENV 434

This course introduces you to environmental justice, which examines the processes that systematically lead poor and marginalized communities to face a disproportionate degree of environmental risks and hazards. Beginning with the birth of the environmental justice movement focused on the siting of waste facilities, we will trace the development of the field as it has expanded into examination of food, climate, water, energy, and the international waste trade.

Eric Tate
Everyday Urbanism and Food Systems in Contemporary Africa (CD or SA)
Subject associations
URB 340 / AFS 344

Africa is urbanizing faster than any region of the world. This course analyzes socio-spatial dynamics that create urban life in Africa and generate inequalities arising from urbanization. Students will investigate the links between urbanization, infrastructure systems and informality, and how these shape and connect to food systems and impact the food security of urban residents. Upon completing the course, students will be able to recognize and challenge reductionist narratives concerning contemporary urbanism and explore possibilities for intervention, re-design and change.

Blessings Masuku
Food and the Brain (SEN)
Subject associations
NEU 446 / PSY 446

The purpose of this seminar course is to explore brain function through the lens of food. Why do we get hungry? How do we search for food? Why do we like some tastes and not others? What is the relationship between what we eat and our cognitive function or even our cognitive evolution? We will learn about the life-essential functions of obscure neural circuits and the more obscure processes of commonly known neural circuits. Over the course of the semester, we will move from neuropeptides to cooking culture; from gut-brain interactions via microbes to the importance of teeth on our neuroanatomy.

Asif A. Ghazanfar
Food for Thought: What We Eat and Why (SA)
Subject associations
FRS 193

They say, "you are what you eat," but what does the food that we consume say about us and our ways of being? La cocina, the kitchen, as the heart of the home often appears in literature, film, commercial enterprises, and television. This course will examine food practices and behaviors through the anthropological, historical, sociological, and psychological interpretations of food and eating. An understanding of how food and meals have evolved to create culture and identity will augment students' understanding of their relationship with food and culture, history, geography, and themselves.

Raquel Mattson-Prieto
Future of Food, The
Subject associations
WRI 121

See the Princeton Writing Program website.

Philip Keel Geheber
The Literature of Gastronomy (LA)
Subject associations
ITA 319

What we do or do not eat and where we eat, are questions linked to anthropological and cultural matters. In a socio-political context, food, or the lack thereof, defines a society and its inadequacies. It becomes an agent of power, a metaphor for sex and gender, as well as a means of community. Whether as desire or transgression, whether corporal or spiritual - the representation of food is the depiction of Italian life. This course will examine translated Italian texts, along with visual art and film, in order to explore the function of eating, both as biological necessity as well as metaphor, within Italian society.

Daniele De Feo
Pietro Frassica
Sara Teardo
Topics in Environmental Studies: Building American Style: Land-Use Policies and Rules (SA)
Subject associations
ENV 305

Americans have built and preserved an astounding variety of environments. The course examines the evolving complex of incentives and regulations that drove the choices of where and how places developed. It focuses on how land-use and environmental planning encourage or discourage growth and can mitigate or intensify environmental, social, and economic effects. We examine the latest tools for building and protecting the American landscape. Special topics include transportation, food and agriculture, environmental justice, and climate change. Analysis will be from historical, policy-oriented, and predictive perspectives.

Deborah Popper
Frank Popper
Unmaking Nation Making (CD or SA)
Subject associations
FRS 133

What is a nation, how is it made, and how does it constantly have to be remade? How do ideas about language, race, gender, and culture shape perceptions of the past and understandings of belonging? This course takes Greece as a case study to examine the concepts and tools that go into making a nation. Each week we consider a different resource for nation making, from the use of history and the shaping of ethnicity to sports and food. We also explore the relevance of this study to understanding the U.S. today. Students work towards a final project that educates the public about how works of art contribute to making, or unmaking, the nation.

Soo-Young Kim

Courses offered from across the University that focus on topics of food studies and food systems are gathered as a resource for students and faculty. 

Fall 2024

Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource (SEL)
Subject associations
FRS 115

This course overviews the science of composting by covering nutrient cycling (carbon and nitrogen, pollution), soil science (chemistry), microbial ecology, and the food/water/biodiversity/climate grand challenges. Local samples will be used. The course will enhance campus sustainability efforts through student research projects. Students will help the SCRAP lab optimize composting practices (e.g. aerobic biodigestor) to process dining-sourced bioplastics into healthy compost with low C emissions. Student findings will be an integral component of a larger NJ DEP supported project to advance campus recycling goals.

Shannon Haynes
Xinning Zhang
Ecosystems, Climate Change and Global Food (SEN)
Subject associations
EEB 417A / ENV 417A

Ecological systems at local to global scales. Students will examine fundamental methods of analyzing ecosystems,and apply these methods to questions about climate change and the global food system. Lectures cover theoretical elements and examples from the primary literature. Coursework emphasizes critical reading of scientific literature, written expression of scientific arguments, collaboration in group projects, and in-person presentation of findings to an audience.

Lars O. Hedin
Food That Makes Us, The
Subject associations
WRI 101

See the Princeton Writing Program website.

Christopher M. Kurpiewski
Food, Culture & Society (CD or SA)
Subject associations
ANT 311 / LAS 335

This course explores the central role of food in everyday life in US and global contexts. Using a comparative global perspective, we will address key questions about histories of food production and consumption, the ways in which food production and distribution differentially affect the lives of those working in the food industry and those consuming food. We will think through how global shifts in food production and distribution impact human lives on national, local, and familial levels.

Hanna Garth
Future of Food, The
Subject associations
WRI 121

See the Princeton Writing Program website.

Philip Keel Geheber
Scientific Foundations of the Environmental Nexus (SEN)
Subject associations
ENV 210A

ENV 210 offers an introduction to the scientific and technological dimensions of the nexus of global environmental problems: climate change, the carbon cycle, biodiversity loss, and the provision of food and water. The course will provide the scientific foundations to understand each of these complex environmental problems, first in isolation and then in its interaction with the others. Students will be able to understand major scientific reports on the interacting environmental challenges and assess their possible future trajectories, their potential solutions, and their implications for a growing human population on a finite planet.

Curtis A. Deutsch
Scientific Foundations of the Environmental Nexus (SEL)
Subject associations
ENV 210B

ENV 210 offers an introduction to the scientific and technological dimensions of the nexus of global environmental problems: climate change, the carbon cycle, biodiversity loss, and the provision of food and water. The course will provide the scientific foundations to understand each of these complex environmental problems, first in isolation and then in its interaction with the others. Students will be able to understand major scientific reports on the interacting environmental challenges and assess their possible future trajectories, their potential solutions, and their implications for a growing human population on a finite planet.

Curtis A. Deutsch
Anne M. Kraepiel-Morel
The Kitchen Lab: Food & Health (SEL)
Subject associations
FRS 109

Food and science are integrated in our everyday lives, and this seminar explores their intersection in the kitchen. You will learn how to prepare foods like humus, falafel, manakish za'atar and to make cheese, yogurt, pickles, kombucha, and much more! Through food production and consumption, you will discover the fascinating world of molecular biology, microbiology, and biochemistry. We will also study how naturally occurring chemicals produced by microbes or plants can affect our bodies and health. This course will mostly prepare vegetarian foods and no prior cooking experience is required.

Anthar S. Darwish
What Should We Eat? Ethics, Religion, Politics (EM)
Subject associations
REL 365 / PHI 366 / CHV 316

We are what we eat--morally as well as molecularly. So how should moral concerns about animals, workers, the environment, our health, and our communities inform our food choices? Can we develop an effective and just model for feeding growing populations while respecting religious, class, and cultural differences? The main goal of this course is not to prescribe answers to these questions, but to give students tools to reflect on them effectively. These tools include a working knowledge of the main ethical theories in philosophy, and a grasp of key empirical issues regarding the production, distribution, consumption, and politics of food.

Andrew Chignell

Spring 2024

Advanced Seminar in American Studies: Art, Media & Environmental Justice (CD or LA)
Subject associations
AMS 403 / ENV 403 / ART 406
Allison Carruth
Economics of Food and Agriculture (SA)
Subject associations
ECO 355 / ENV 355
Silvia Weyerbrock
Environmental Biotechnology (SEN)
Subject associations
CEE 325 / CBE 325 / ENE 325 / BNG 325
Josh Atkinson
Food Culture and Food Justice (CD or LA)
Subject associations
AMS 305
Michael W. Peterson
Food for Thought: What We Eat and Why (SA)
Subject associations
FRS 193
Raquel Mattson-Prieto
Future of Food, The
Subject associations
WRI 121
Philip Keel Geheber
The Literature of Gastronomy (LA)
Subject associations
ITA 319
Pietro Frassica
Topics in Ancient History: Dining and Food in the Roman World (HA)
Subject associations
CLA 326 / HIS 326 / HLS 373 / HUM 324
Caroline Cheung
Cait M. Mongrain

Fall 2023

Squishy Engineering: Using Soft Materials to Solve Hard Problems (SEN)
Subject associations
CBE 430 / MAE 430 / MSE 430

The milk we drink in the morning (a colloidal dispersion), the gel we put into our hair (a polymer network), and the plaque that we try to scrub off our teeth (a biofilm) are all familiar examples of soft or "squishy" materials. Such materials also hold great promise in helping to solve engineering challenges such as water remediation, therapeutic development/delivery, and the development of new coatings, displays, formulations, foods, and biomaterials. This class covers fundamental aspects of the science of soft materials, presented within the context of these challenges, with guest speakers to describe new applications of soft materials.

Sujit S. Datta
Topics in Environmental Studies: Building American Style: Land-Use Policies and Rules (SA)
Subject associations
ENV 305

Americans have built and preserved an astounding variety of environments. The course examines the evolving complex of incentives and regulations that drove the choices of where and how places developed. It focuses on how land-use and environmental planning encourage or discourage growth and can mitigate or intensify environmental, social, and economic effects. We examine the latest tools for building and protecting the American landscape. Special topics include transportation, food and agriculture, environmental justice, and climate change. Analysis will be from historical, policy-oriented, and predictive perspectives.

Deborah Popper
Frank Popper
Saving Seeds (SA)
Subject associations
FRS 105

Seeds are ubiquitous. We eat them. We plant them. We blow them in the wind. But do they need saving? Seed saving is an heirloom practice that is as old as the notion of agriculture itself. Yet, seed saving practices sit at the center of an intensifying debate about biodiversity, food sovereignty, intellectual property rights, and the future of our species. This course will explore the oft-overlooked complexity of seeds and the people who are working to save them with special attention to intellectual, scientific, ethical, and practical challenges.

Tessa J. Desmond
Decomposing the Science of Composting: How To Turn Waste into Resource (SEL)
Subject associations
FRS 115

This course overviews the science of composting by covering nutrient cycling (carbon and nitrogen, pollution), soil science (chemistry), microbial ecology, and the food/water/biodiversity/climate grand challenges. Local samples will be used. The course will enhance campus sustainability efforts through student research projects. Students will help the SCRAP lab optimize composting practices (e.g. aerobic biodigestor) to process dining-sourced bioplastics into healthy compost with low C emissions. Student findings will be an integral component of a larger NJ DEP supported project to advance campus recycling goals.

Shannon Haynes
Xinning Zhang
The Global Land Challenge for Food, Climate and Biodiversity (SA)
Subject associations
SPI 405 / ENV 405 / EEB 356

People have converted almost half of the world's native habitats to agriculture (excluding desert and ice) and harvested more than 75% of the remaining forests. This conversion has contributed more than a quarter of the greenhouse gases people have added to the atmosphere and has been the primary cause of biodiversity loss. In the next 30 years, the world is on a path to convert vast additional areas and harvest vastly more forests to meet rising demands for food, wood, and energy.

Timothy D. Searchinger
Future of Food, The
Subject associations
WRI 121

See the Princeton Writing Program website.

Philip Keel Geheber

Spring 2023

Food, Culture & Society (CD or SA)
Subject associations
ANT 311

This course explores the central role of food in everyday life in US and global contexts. Using a comparative global perspective, we will address key questions about histories of food production and consumption, the ways in which food production and distribution differentially affect the lives of those working in the food industry and those consuming food. We will think through how global shifts in food production and distribution impact human lives on national, local, and familial levels.

Hanna Garth
Ethics of Eating (EM)
Subject associations
CHV 395 / PHI 399 / REL 396

We are what we eat--morally as well as molecularly. So how should concerns about animals, workers, the environment, and the local inform our food choices? Can we develop viable foodways for growing populations while respecting ethnic, religious, class, and access differences? The goal of this course is not to prescribe answers to these questions, but to give students the tools required to reflect on them effectively. These tools include a knowledge of the main ethical theories in philosophy, and a grasp of key empirical issues regarding food production, distribution, and disposal. Includes guest lectures, instructor-led small-group sessions.

Andrew Chignell
Water-Energy-Food Nexus (SEL)
Subject associations
FRS 152

A hands-on seminar and laboratory experience focusing on sustainable development and the interaction of food, energy, and water. Students will partner with community- and campus-based groups to explore themes.

Lamyaa El-Gabry
The Literature of Gastronomy (LA)
Subject associations
ITA 319

What we do or do not eat and where we eat, are questions linked to anthropological and cultural matters. In a socio-political context, food, or the lack thereof, defines a society and its inadequacies. It becomes an agent of power, a metaphor for sex and gender, as well as a means of community. Whether as desire or transgression, whether corporal or spiritual - the representation of food is the depiction of Italian life. This course will examine translated Italian texts, along with visual art and film, in order to explore the function of eating, both as biological necessity as well as metaphor, within Italian society.

Daniele De Feo
Pietro Frassica
The Land Crisis for Food, Climate and Wildlife (SA)
Subject associations
SPI 405 / ENV 405

People have plowed up, cut-down and otherwise heavily manipulated more than 75% of the world's forests and grasslands, releasing roughly 30% of the carbon in the atmosphere added by people. In the next 30 years, the world is on a path to convert vast additional areas of forest and diverse habitats to meet rising demands for food, wood, and energy. This course will explore the scope of the challenge and possible solutions. Students will obtain a general understanding of important scientific concepts, such as the carbon cycle, basic principles of agronomy and biodiversity. They will also explore a wide range of policy issues.

Timothy D. Searchinger
Future of Food, The
Subject associations
WRI 121

See the Princeton Writing Program website.

Philip Keel Geheber

Fall 2022

Squishy Engineering: Using Soft Materials to Solve Hard Problems (SEN)
Subject associations
CBE 430 / MAE 430 / MSE 430

The milk we drink in the morning (a colloidal dispersion), the gel we put into our hair (a polymer network), and the plaque that we try to scrub off our teeth (a biofilm) are all familiar examples of soft or "squishy" materials. Such materials also hold great promise in helping to solve engineering challenges such as water remediation, therapeutic development/delivery, and the development of new coatings, displays, formulations, foods, and biomaterials. This class covers fundamental aspects of the science of soft materials, presented within the context of these challenges, with guest speakers to describe new applications of soft materials.

Sujit S. Datta
Designing Ventures To Change the World
Subject associations
EGR 488 / ENT 488

Princeton's motto: 'In the nation's service and the service of humanity.' Inspiring, but what does it mean for people interested in addressing important global challenges through socially-minded entrepreneurship and innovation? We will explore how for-profit or non-profit social-benefit ventures can do well and do good - helping communities to become self-reliant and prosperous while confronting inequality, global climate change, food insecurity, injustice and other problems. We will examine models for durable social ventures, engage with entrepreneurs, and develop your own solution ideas for the problems and communities you care about.

John D. Danner
Resource Recovery for a Circular Economy
Subject associations
ENE 321 / CEE 321 / ENV 371

The course will focus on emerging science and technologies that enable the transition from our traditional linear economy (take, make, waste) to a new circular economy (reduce, reuse, recycle). It will discuss the fundamental theories and applied technologies that are capable of converting traditional waste materials or environmental pollutants such as wastewater, food waste, plastics, e-waste, and CO2, etc. into valued-added products including energy, fuels, chemicals, and food products.

Z. Jason Ren
Topics in Environmental Studies: Building American Style: Land-Use Policies and Rules (SA)
Subject associations
ENV 305

Americans have built and preserved an astounding variety of environments. The course examines the evolving complex of incentives and regulations that drove the choices of where and how places developed. It focuses on how land-use and environmental planning encourage or discourage growth and can mitigate or intensify environmental, social, and economic effects. We examine the latest tools for building and protecting the American landscape. Special topics include transportation, food and agriculture, environmental justice, and climate change. Analysis will be from historical, policy-oriented, and predictive perspectives.

Deborah Popper
Frank Popper
Politics and Environment in France (SA)
Subject associations
FRE 230 / ENV 232

Improve your spoken and written French while studying some urgent topics in French environmental politics, from climate change and energy politics to environmental racism, food safety, animal rights, and degrowth. How is the French case unique? What is a ZAD and "un grand projet inutile"? What happened at Plogoff and Larzac? How do class, race, and gender intersect with the exploitation of nature? What exactly is "ecofascism" anyway? Discussion and creative projects will focus on films, bandes dessinées, literature, art, and essays; the course is writing- and speaking-intensive.

Göran Magnus Blix

Spring 2022

Advanced Seminar in American Studies: Art and Politics of Food (CD or LA)
Subject associations
AMS 403 / ENV 403 / VIS 408

This course brings methods and ideas from two fields--American studies and the environmental humanities--to examine the role of the arts in US food movements related to agriculture, culinary experimentation and environmental justice. Course materials will include film, visual and performance art, journalism, political ephemera and culinary artifacts. Course participants will develop both an independent research-based essay and a multimedia collaborative project that build on the seminar's guiding questions and assigned materials.

Allison Carruth
Advanced Seminar in American Studies: Art, Media & Environmental Justice (CD or LA)
Subject associations
AMS 403 / ENV 403 / ART 406

Connect contemporary American art and visual culture with environmental justice movements. Examines photographers, performers, filmmakers, writers, and other artists, with a focus on Indigenous and other BIPOC artists and media makers. Examines how artists engage with environmental justice movements around climate change and energy transitions, food and water security, land use and land back, biodiversity loss, and allied issues. What roles do the arts play in such movements?

Allison Carruth
Agriculture, Human Diets and the Environment (SEN)
Subject associations
ENV 303 / EEB 303

Food fuels us and our diets connect us with nature at many scales. Yet most of us poorly understand how food is produced and how production processes impact our diets, health, livelihoods and the environment. By the course's end, students will better understand the ethical, environmental, economic, social and medical implications of their food choices. Food production methods ranging from hunting, fishing and gathering to small and large scale crop and animal farming will be examined through lenses of ethics, ecology, evolutionary biology, geography, political economy, social dynamics, physiology, climate change and sustainability.

Daniel I. Rubenstein
American Agrarians: Ideas of Land, Labor, and Food (SA)
Subject associations
AMS 419 / ENV 419

For agrarians, farms and fields are prized over boardrooms and shopping malls. Agrarianism values hard work, self-sufficiency, simplicity and connection with nature. For some today, it is a compelling antidote to globalization and consumerism. This course examines American agrarianism past and present and its central role in our national imaginary, tracing the complex and contradictory contours of a social and political philosophy that seeks freedom and yet gave way to enslaving, excluding, and ignoring many based on race, immigration status, and gender. A focus will be on new agrarianism and movements for food, land, and social justice.

Tessa J. Desmond
Consuming American: Food, Fiction, and Fact (SA)
Subject associations
FRS 191

This seminar will examine closely five persistent puzzles in the American food system and provide students with an opportunity to brainstorm, discuss, debate, and evaluate possible solutions to issues of food insecurity, food-related disease, farm labor, regulation, and the environment. Through these sets of puzzles and problems students will consider class, race, and gender disparities as well as themes of paternalism and judgement, food as a human right, and concepts of freedom.

Tessa J. Desmond

Prior Sample Courses

Advanced Seminar in American Studies: Art and Politics of Food
Special Topics in Sustainable, Resilient Cities and Infrastructure Systems
The Ethics of Eating
The Quest for Health: Contemporary Debates on Harm, Medicine, and Ethics
Agriculture, Human Diets and the Environment
The Land Crisis for Food, Climate and Wildlife
Saving Seeds
Consuming American: Food, Fiction, and Fact